miercuri, 15 octombrie 2014

What about us?

You took my heart baby , tell me whats going on?
The smile on your face makes me never feel alone
You told me you  wanted everything from  the world
And that not everything that shines is gold
I want to see beyond all the curtains that block
My happiness and maybe unlock
the locket to my heart shaped box
When I think of you no ticks are heard from my clocks
Time stops and I let out all my thoughts
Baby just come in and take my hand
We love the sea because we live near the sand
But we can always go play hide and seek in the snow
No matter what season it is our love will grow

Te astept de ceva timp si nici nu stiu
Dorm atat de putin incat cosmarul  asta pare viu
Timpul trece si eu astept
Te astept pe tine imi astept fratele si am un gol in piept
Dar iti aud vocea in fiecare zi
Te ascult si zilele clipe par a fii
Nici nalbe cu ciocolata calda nu ma indulcesc
Orice as face tot la tine ma gandesc
Tot ce aud  ce vad si ce simt pe tine te vreau
Fac ce fac ma invart un pic si tot nu pot sa stau
Trebuie sa te simt aproape altfel nu cred ca pot
Am sa uit si gresesc ca asa stiu sa fac aproape tot
Dar un singur lucru stiu sa fac bine
Stiu sa te iubesc si mie imi convine
Ca stiu ca si tu ma iubesti
De asta incerc sa iti ofer tot ce iti doresti
Puiule cand te intorci? imi e dor si te iubesc!

joi, 22 mai 2014

Real eyes realise real lies

I keep searching for you and for me
I keep searching and it feels like a tragedy
I know that if I try I m going to succeed
But whats the purpose , whats the need?
I want to know what I have to do
What if I forget about me and think only about you
In my imagination I know that its all right
But my heart is screaming in the light of the night
I feel blind , I want too see you smile
I feel deaf , and I want to hear you smile
Diamonds are rocks and money is paper
Your love makes everything worthless now or later
But please don't hate me for giving you rocks
I ran so much for you that I have holes in my socks
Blisters on my feet and scars on my heart
Kiss me so I can go back to my nightmare sweetheart

luni, 17 martie 2014


Baby , check my pulse because I feel alive
Darling , help me I feel the need to thrive
Show me what you've kept , show me your treasure
Kiss me and immerse me in pleasure
Take me back , stop feeding my pain
Release me from my curse , there's nothing to gain
Stop seeking for love , the adress is unclear
Keep me by your side and you're never gonna cry a tear
Wake up for breakfast and be late for school
All these butterflies make me feel like a fool
They die and reborn from my pain to turn into love
That feeling that I can't get rid of....

sâmbătă, 8 februarie 2014

Love about you

Days pass and I drink about you
I keep running but the sky is always blue
My heart is sick but thats my point of view
The doctor gave me pills to chew 
My eyes dilate when I hear your name
I smoke cigarettes just to feed my inner flame
The blue in your eyes makes me feel like I'm drowning
But that color is the only thing that keeps me fighting 
If I am a slave please be my master 
Mend my soul  beat it and prepare it for disaster

sâmbătă, 4 ianuarie 2014

Let it be

Whats the point of taking drugs if they dont harm you?
What is the point of love if its all happiness warm and blue
Where is gealousy green ? What about blushing red?
Why watch a movie of a book you already read?
There is no other detail that you didnt see 
Its just your imagination , let if free
Everything is just a complex lie to hide the simple truth
Every song , every kiss , every snail 
Every rainbow , every girl , every trail
Is there just because you let it be,
Let it be a part of you , and I'll let you be a part of me!

miercuri, 25 decembrie 2013

I promise I will make the happiest girl out of you .
Just let me do that!

luni, 23 decembrie 2013

Far away

Miere si polen
De ce nu stim ce vrem?
De ce ne taiem in hartii? De ce ne ranim?
Cand noi vroiam doar sa iubim?
De ce sa mai fii? De ce sa mai stai?
Doar chistoace ale iubiri mai ai
Si ai umplut o scrumiera
Colectia ta de esecuri , doar o bariera
Daca tu acum te pierzi in ochii tuturor
Eu am ramas un simplu actor
Care tipa replica lui plina de dor
Dar se intampla ceva , o schimbare de decor
Trebuie sa ma obisnuiesc , nu e deloc usor
Dar zambetul cuiva imi umple sufletul gol
Incerc sa ma regasesc in buzele tale
Sa le citesc fiecare dorinta pana nu dispare
Mai aprind o tigara , 
Trag un fum , ma inspir si expir iara 
Gasesc sau nu placere , ma innec
La ochii tai ma aplec
Findca ai mei au pierdut din culoare
Trec secundele din ce in ce mai reci mi se pare 
 Stele ,licurici si un fulg de nea 
Stralucesc ca inima mea
Doar ca inima mea nu se incarca la soare
Are nevoie de dragoste si cumpatare
Cateva zambete si un sarut
Imbolnavit de dragoste sa tusesc si sa stranut
Cate un fluture pentru fiecare pupic
Sa ma sacai cate un pic
Niciodata sa nu ma lasi in pace
Atentia ta e tot ce imi place 

joi, 19 decembrie 2013


You are my favorite color , and my favorite song
I like everything about you , but dont get me wrong
I can't hope for a love story , if i dont know you
I must read you , discover you and maybe fall in love too
Do all these things with a smile on my face
Sing all the songs we like and take it slow , its not a race
Take trips and walk the world , because i know how much you like to travel
You be my muse and I will describe our love with the finest words for people to marvel
Because they can't get what we have, even if they struggle it's just to hard
Even if people won't understand , we will show them that we are always on guard!
Just take me by the hand and I will take care of us
I will turn upside down the M in me , plus
Make every fairytale come true
Because you know how much I love you!

duminică, 8 decembrie 2013

The prayer

Help me , whoever is up there
Behind the sun , behind the rest of the stars
Where there is no particle of air
Erase my pain , all of my scars
Just sooth my pain , i know you exist
Some call you God, others Jah
They even say you have a child named Christ
The muslims praise for Allah
I dont care if you are white or black
Or even if you are like us
I just want my happiness back
And here I am waiting the bus
Thinking far beyond my comprehension
 I got to find for myself another direction
Before I go mad again and try to find another connection
To me and the world , I think thats the best assumption

duminică, 27 octombrie 2013

1 Heart 2 hurts

The sun is setting up on a new day
Funny how coffee tastes better than yesterday
Even the flowers seem more beautiful than ever
This kind of Sundays give me the fever
As I light up my cigarette everything feels better
And I usually use sad words to write a letter
But today I will send one to Mr. Happiness
Because I feel so distant from nothingness
I am one step closer to what I want
And I'm taking it only for my heart
Finish what I've started and take a break
Start again because i'ts never to late !

vineri, 25 octombrie 2013


Esti dulce ca o crema de portocale invelita in ciocolata
Pielea ta fina remarca faptul ca esti o pisica alintata 
Ochii tai ma ademenesc in taramuri necunoscute
Si un lucru stiu sigur,  ma fac sa vreau sa aflu mai multe
Glasul tau e ca linistea , se face auzita 
Iar privirea ta pur si simplu ma agita!

Feeling like a coka-cola in a kids hand : Under pressure!

duminică, 20 octombrie 2013

Gold glitter and ghouls

Right now things are hard, I'm not proud of what I did or what I do
The only thing that matters if you feel it too
Deep in my mind is a storm of feelings and words
I need a pair of wings to fly like the birds
That remind me that freedom is just a choice
Like singing reminds me of your voice
Then I realise that this kind of love just ain't for us 
We are seeking different kind of drugs
Just let me be , let me free , let me be my own extasy
Even if I die from an overdose, I will be happy that it's just me.
By the time that I will realise that I'm killing myself
I'm going to leave all the pain on my bed shelf
Get up and pack my luggage because I am going away
There is nothing else that makes me stay
Because I'm only a sucker for love
And even if I feel there is no god I know there is someone looking from above

sâmbătă, 31 august 2013

Finally home

Ai fugit de mine
nu stiu daca au trecut fix 365 de zile
poate au trecut mai multe sau nu
dar stiu acum de ce esti in stare tu
Ma gandesc ca dupa atata timp ti-am cerut doar 5 minute
Si tu m-ai pacalit oferindu-mi mai multe
Ai inceput sa furi tot ce mai era valoros
de la vise sperante si sentimente am ramas doar piele si os
Si e asa de ''awkward'' totul ,  ma simt parasit
"poate pentru ca asta s-a intamplat!" cineva mi-a soptit
Dar nu e nimeni langa mine ,
nu stiu daca sa zic la fel despre tine
o sa dispar pentru zile, luni poate ani?
Dar nimeni nu o sa stie
Toata dragostea pe care ti-am purtat-o tie


luni, 5 august 2013

I don't wanna die!

I don't want to die
I just want to trust
Simply living a lie
I want to taste the lust
I am the lost
 No one cares
I am the last
Who will  answer my prayers?

I will transform misery in love
And lost time in time that I forgot
I will try to rise above
And I promise it's my last shot
Because tomorrow is a new day
and today is already yesterday
For all the guilt and pain who will pay?
Not me for sure because longer than this I am not going to stay!

sâmbătă, 13 iulie 2013

I wish to make a million wishe's

When she came by I took a deep breath
Because I dont know what underneath
that pretty face , a simple mind or a disgrace?
I know that every soul has to take a race
for happiness and for joy
for the simple fact that they want a toy
to wish that every thing will be fine
maybe to be able to draw a straight line
because an architect knows best
when to cut it down or leave it to rest
so please build me a heaven were I can chill
this world is so heavy it makes me ill
and they say that they've got the pill
to make me feel that i will
be better and go ahead
but I think till then I'll be dead
so leave me a cigarette and some spare change
because I know that people are strange
and there is nothing better to do than ignore
all the people and be airborne.

joi, 31 ianuarie 2013

Fruity melon

fruity melon that i crave
what should i do to be your slave
from everyone's point of view
you are just fruit to chew
but for me you mean a lot
the best friend when outside it's hot
you go perfect with vodka inside
despite the fact that the red nose is hard to hide
so every time i want to have the chills
I will slice you with my fruit ninja skills ^^

duminică, 30 decembrie 2012

Reckless soul

I look through your pictures and I see that something is wrong
Maybe the fact that there is no place where i belong
I promise i will be strong , and for whatever i will do
Remember that the picture wont lie to you
So even the year passed by, dont say farewell
Because I will always throw a nickel in the wishing well
And hope my wishes come true
Even if that doesn't happen i will always think of you!
Happy new year...

sâmbătă, 29 decembrie 2012

I need another pill

Cand stau si privesc tot ce s-a intamplat de a lungul zilelor mele , care parca zboara pe langa mine , realizez ca am facut intotdeauna doar dezastru, am ranit , am injunghiat emotional tot ce stiu ,tot ce cunosc, am provocat rani atat de adanci incat nici timpul nu le-ar fii vindecat , si iata-ma iar aici , sunt confuz, sunt derutat, indragostit lulea de reflexia mea in societate, in acelasi timp urand existenta mea de la cea mai mica particula din mine , pana la zodia de pe bolta cereasca care straluceste cand restul lumii e pierduta in visele lor , undeva printr-un apartament care cu siguranta nu miroase a "home sweet home" , etajul 3 , incercand cu greu sa imi amintesc numarul apartamentului, care deobicei mi-ar fii sarit in minte fara ca macar sa ma straduiesc.
M-am prins unde sunt , nu prea ma ajuta acest lucru , doar ma ajuta sa imi pun alta intrebare , ce caut eu aici defapt?
Am venit pentru vinul dulce? sau pentru simplul fapt ca aici e mai cald decat in interiorul meu?
Nu stiu , nu inteleg de ce imi suna aceste intrebari prin cap, incerc sa inteleg defapt cine pune aceste intrebari,  cine se joaca cu mintea mea , cine se plimba ca printr-un muzeu al ciudateniilor , un "tour" prin mintea mea bolnava care se hraneste doar cu durerea celorlalti...
Doar gandul la acest lucru imi face pielea sa tremure , ma intreb , ma intreb , prea multe intrebari!
Nu inteleg , vreau sa inteleg , dar imi e frica de ce as putea intelege, daca viata pe care mi-am cladit-o pe aceste lucruri , deodata nu ar mai avea sens? ce as face ?
De ce imi pun atatea intrebari ? de ce nu pot fii ca restul? de ce si iar de ce , de ce nu?
Nu mai vreau sa vad pagina asta atat de des pe cat o vedeam innainte , vreau ca incet incet sa o uit , sa renunt la ursuletul meu de plus , sa fie doar o simpla memorie a vietii mele , dar pana atunci , o sa ma gasiti aici , rupand gandurile mele cuvant cu cuvant , pana cand o sa abuzez si de ultimul atom pe care il reprezinta esenta mea , desigur cu un playlist potrivit , pe care voi probabil nu o sa il auziti niciodata.
Ivan over and out.

marți, 27 noiembrie 2012

Im the present , i was the past , i will be the future

Never ending dreams follow me to highschool
And they treat me like I am that fool
Like I dont know the rules of this world
And every single wish is hidden in a word
To fulfill them you must be brave
Your passions I love them and I crave
Every second that passes by
even if I wont be anymore high
and I wont go anymore deep into the sky
I will be near you hoping you hear me saying hi!
Just remember that time doesn't exist but clocks do
So escape this reality like I should do too
And let's meet at the rainbows end
after all that rain , lets just pretend
That breathing is a waste of time
And talking is better than writing another line
But for all of you that hate the sound of my pain
Belive me , I'm not suffering in vain...
Im just waiting the blood to run out of my veins...